One Foot in Front of the Other by Amanda Hardy
In response to COVID-19 the ‘Live Up’ COVID COMMUNITY was set up to support our communities with practical wellbeing resources that can be used for these extraordinary circumstances of social distancing, community lockdown and quarantine. This article is from Amanda Hardy and it is about ‘Being Active’ one of the 5 Ways of Wellbeing.
Here is a printable PDF template you can use.
One foot in front of the other ………….
One foot in front of the other is something we all do every day. They are words I use to help me achieve my to do lists at school and at home all of the time. These words are my ‘mantra’ and they have become increasingly more relevant to me now as I navigate my way with my family, through this uncertain time of Covid 19.
Level 4 lockdown brought about a huge amount of change very quickly and we have all had to establish new routines fast. For my super active family to go from crazy busy to being in lockdown at home has been a huge and abrupt change. The slower pace and enforced rest has been the silver lining for us although it has taken some getting used to. We have eaten better, even having meals together and not staggered due to sports commitments, stayed hydrated better and had better sleep. All contributing to ensuring our wellbeing is well taken care of.
Keeping active has been a huge part of our lockdown experience from walking the dog, fitness circuits, fitness challenges from school, biking and running, we have created our new exercise regimes collectively and individually.
For me when I run I am in my happy place. It’s a time where I reflect, enjoy my surroundings and just focus on putting one foot in front of the other helping me navigate life’s everyday challenges. During lockdown I am grateful that I have been able to run in and around my neighbourhood while staying in my bubble, so I can still enjoy my ‘me’ time. This year, 2020 was the year I had set myself the goal to complete 20 events within the calendar year. Unfortunately Covid 19 has halted my progress BUT all is not lost. There are still many options available to take part in virtual events during lockdown and after lockdown later in the year there may be events I can add to my tally for this challenge. If not bring on 21 events in 2021 - one foot in front of the other.
After some research, some inspiration from a colleague at St Margaret's College (SMC) and then watching the Italian man on the news who decided to run a marathon on his balcony, I decided that my virtual lockdown challenge was going to be running from Picton to Bluff. One foot in front of the other, currently I am 230km into my journey with 690km to go. Essentially my virtual challenge will extend beyond lockdown, but it is something that will keep me active and focused as I work my way through each day and I won’t stop until I reach Bluff - one foot in front of the other………..
Our fabulous Sports’ Prefects at SMC also introduced an ‘Iso Sport Challenge’. I signed up for the Tiger Challenge and have been logging my virtual journey from Picton to Bluff each day. This has been a challenge that over 150 girls school wide have committed to. It is fantastic to see so many girls motivated, involved and putting their self care as a high priority at this time. Let’s hope post Covid these ‘habits’ will have become second nature and they continue to understand the importance of self care as we integrate back into our busy lifestyles.
Are you a Turtle? Turkey? Or a Tiger?
Below are websites that could be useful to take a look at if you wish to start your own virtual challenge:
My virtual mission
The Conqueror
Covid19 is a time in history that we will all look back on in years to come and reflect on in many different ways. It has been a surreal and overwhelming time but it has also accentuated the importance of family, our wellbeing and the importance of being kind to ourselves and others. I am incredibly grateful for the quality time I have spent with my family during lockdown and to be able to reflect and reground myself on what is truly important to me. I know that as we integrate back to school and work I will consider the important parts that I choose to rush back to in order to ensure that my wellbeing and the wellbeing of my family are my top priority. I will also celebrate when I reach my virtual destination of Bluff.
Take care out there and enjoy your virtual adventures whatever they may be and where ever they take you
Here is a printable PDF template of this article you can use.
“One foot in front of the other, a strategy to negotiate the everyday challenges that life throws our way. One foot in front of the other will always get us to where we need to be”