3. Digging Down and Getting It Done
Digging Deep
They say we overestimate what we can get done in a day and underestimate what we can get done if we tick away at something over time. Our days are chaotic with constant stimulation and we feel like we are ‘on’ all the time and yet feel like we are going nowhere. I had been listening to a super interesting podcast with Cal Newport discussing his book “Deep Work, Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World” and decided to apply his practices for one hour a day for 18 days in order to get some work done!
Anyway, it was amazing! the ability to have a distraction free hour really helped me focus and concentrate on the task at hand and my productivity skyrocketed. It was also great for my mental health because instead worrying about the stuff I wasn’t doing, I just dug deep and got it done.