20. Mood Meter
Over the Summer holidays, I completed a postgraduate paper looking at Emotions, Health and Leadership. The paper required me to delve deep into emotional learning and regulation and to keep a diary of my emotions. For the diary I used ‘The Mood Meter’ App which has been developed by Marc Brackett and his team of researchers at Yale University. It is based around their RULER approach. RULER is an acronym for being able to Recognise, Understand, Label, Express and Regulate emotions. So for the last challenge for 2018, I used the Mood Meter App and recorded five times a day how I was feeling. I had to name the emotion (name it to tame it), think through the reasons why I had this emotion, and use strategies to up or down regulate how I felt depending on the situation. The cool thing about the App is I was able to download summaries of my data and see what emotional space I live in. Very Interesting stuff!!! This challenge was a big deep dive into self-awareness around these crazy, all controlling things we have called emotions. Fair to say I only scratched the service there is so much to learn!