9. Take-away, Take-away Coffee
Don’t Buy It
Well as you may have guessed if you have read about my 2018 ‘decaf challenge’ and my 2019 ‘drink more water’ challenge that the old coffee drinking is a little bit of an issue for me. The issue is layered around bad habits that I have established over the last few years. Most days on the way to work I would pick up a coffee and yes it is decaf! The trouble is I don’t just pick up one coffee I usually get two, a standard order of a large decaf flat white and then I mix it up with a large decaf americano. I don’t need two coffees, in fact I don’t even need one and when I drink the coffee I don’t even taste it. It’s just a mindless habit that is costing me lots of money. Many of my habits are just ‘patterns of behaviour’ that I have gotten used to and there are so many little things in my life that I don’t really need, notice and appreciate. What are your mindless habits?The question that I asked myself was “is this habit serving me?” If I savoured and enjoyed the coffee, I would say yes but this is not the case. This ‘19 for 19, live up to you’ challenge was to not buy take-away coffee. I still allowed myself to buy a coffee if I was meeting someone in a cafe but it had to be in a real cup and I needed to make sure I appreciated and enjoyed it! One last little incentive was to save the money I didn’t spend on take-away coffees and as a rough estimate ($10 per day times 19 days equals approximately $200 dollars) and spend it doing something special with my boys. This was a great challenge it shifted my habit and I don’t take for granted my coffee drinking habit. Will I slip back into old tricks? Time will tell.