2. Drink Water
What an epic fail!!!
My aim was to drink 2 litres of water a day for this ‘19 for 19’ challenge. This was the challenge that should have been so easy but it was like there was this little part of me that managed to self-sabotage. I would start the day just fine with a good 250ml glass of water, but then after that pretty much nothing. I just carried on with my old habits of drinking one caffeinated coffee then hitting the decaf, maybe having a cup of tea or two along the way and that was it. My son Flynn summed it up. We had been listening to a couple of fantastic podcasts on the commute to school from Jim Kwik with Dr Jeff Spencer around RIGHT goals, mindset and the daily grind. Flynn said to me “you didn’t plan out all the details of how you were actually going to make this happen”. I thought it would just take care of itself because it was so easy, like all I had to do was drink more water. I needed to plan the when, where and how as key indicators/targets to achieve this goal. So I checked my diary this morning thinking I had another five days to turn this challenge around but my 19 days are up. I’m not ready to let go of this challenge as it’s kinda important to be hydrated!
What did I learn? When I think a challenge is going to be easy just like ‘2018, HIIT challenge’ I underestimate what is needed to get the job done and like I said before I will try this one again but I know I need to plan, commit and see it through. To get a change I need to change my patterns of behaviour. I will let you know how this pans out……………………………………...