4. New Puppy
Puppy Power
We have a family dog called Star, but my Mum and Dad needed her to round up sheep on their farm so we were at a bit of a loss without a canine. We had been planning to get a puppy for a long time and couldn’t decide what type of dog. We finally settled on a ‘Huntaway’ which are large, strongly built dogs who are used for working sheep and are known for their big, deep bark. Along came Jacks. He was what I’ve called a full immersion challenge as you will know if you have ever had a new puppy!!! This challenge will last a little longer than 19 days. When you bring a new member to the family there is certainly some adjustments required. Our daily routines were superseded by the routines of our four legged friend. Luckily Paul’s sister was off work healing from a hamstring injury and she cared for him during the day when we were at work. What I love the most about dogs is that they are always so pleased to see you and they love you unconditionally no matter what you have done that day. Moving forward a ‘live up to you’ challenge could be ‘be the person your dog thinks you are!’